Insurance Plans & Rates

Everything you ever wanted to know about the health care plan at Notre Dame

The Notre Dame sponsored student insurance plan is excellent, affordable, and available to both undergraduate and graduate students.  Health insurance for undergraduates is encouraged but not mandated; however, graduate students and international students must be covered by a comparable health insurance plan.

All registered, degree-seeking graduate students and all international students are automatically enrolled in the student insurance plan unless proof of comparable coverage is provided.  The premium of the student health insurance plan is assigned to your student account.

For Notre Dame students only   

If health insurance is desired, student dependents have a choice of an optional plan.  Only Notre Dame students may use the medical services provided by University Health Services; however, dependents may have prescriptions filled at the UHS pharmacy, Walgreens, according to University policy and their plan benefits.  Student dependents can use The Notre Dame Wellness Center after they complete the eligibility form.

No insurance plan provides 100 percent coverage, and the University does not assume responsibility for any medical cost incurred by students.

Automatic filing

Students who are covered by the University sponsored student insurance program will automatically have their insurance claims filed.  Otherwise, you will be able to print an itemized statement to submit to your private insurance carrier from your patient portal.  Please be aware that UHS does not participate in any individual networks.  UHS will be out of network and all charges may not be covered.

UnitedHealthcare StudentResources Premiums 2024–25 Academic Year


Early Start



Summer Only


8/1/24– 8/14/25           

8/15/24 – 8/14/25          

1/1/25 – 8/14/25

5/15/25 – 8/14/25





















Graduating in December?  Contact Connie Morrow, Assistant Director of Office Operations, at by November 15 to change to a fall-only plan ($1,042.00).

Waiver Dates

  • Annual (Fall) July 15 – August 31  (New Fall starts and Continuing students)
  • Spring January 1 – February 15  (New Spring starts only)
  • Summer May 15 – June 15  (New Summer starts only)
  • Fall Only Registration Deadline  -- November 15 (December/January graduates ONLY)


Visit UnitedHeathcare StudentResources and complete the Enrollment/Waiver Application Process.  Notre Dame's criteria for a comparable plan would include:

  • Deductible of
    1. $500 or less for individual plans, or
    2. Any amount for non-individual plans (i.e., parents’ insurance plans that cover the student, or student’s employer  insurance plan, or student’s spouse’s employer insurance plan
  • Unlimited lifetime maximum
  • Local coverage
  • Prescription benefit
  • Coverage for the entire academic year
  • U.S. Based plan

General Student Health Plan FAQs


Additional UnitedHealthcare StudentResources Information