Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Allow us to read you your rights (and responsibilities).

As a patient, you have the right to:

  • Impartial access to medical care and UHS health services and accommodations, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, disabilities, or source of payment, as long as criteria for treatment at UHS is met.
  • Respectful and considerate care that is provided by professionals, who are appropriately licensed, certified and/or trained.
  • Participate in and consent to your health care treatment plan; a clear explanation of the condition(s) and recommended procedure(s); participate in decisions regarding personal healthcare, including proposed procedures; be educated to the best of our ability, regarding diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis that you can understand. NOTE: In emergency situations, you will not be subjected to any procedure without full understanding and voluntary consent, or that of a guardian or legally authorized representative. If the emergency is life-threatening, the health care provider will continue treatment without authorization until one can be provided.
  • Ask for a second opinion.
  • Refuse medical treatment to the extent permitted by law and be informed of any medical consequences.
  • Be informed of and educated about any health care requirements after discharge by the professional health care provider or delegate.
  • Expect reasonable safety and privacy of self and protected health information. If you are under 18 years old, a parent or guardian will be consulted, as appropriate, before any treatment modality begins.
  • Decide whether to participate in any clinical research or medical trials.
  • An interpreter when a language barrier exists.
  • Have a family member or guardian notified promptly of admission to a hospital or other health care facility.
  • Request a copy of—or access specific information within—your medical record according to state and federal law.
  • Voice concerns, satisfaction, and any comments pertaining to your UHS experience. Comments may be made on the patient survey or independently expressed. They may be signed or made anonymously. To file a comment, concern, or grievance call UHS at (574) 631-7103 or Indiana State Medical Board at 1-800-382-5516.
  • The right to information regarding advance directives.

Patient responsibilities (or, keeping up your end of the bargain).

As a UHS patient, you have the responsibility to:

  • Keep all appointments and notify UHS when unable to do so.
  • Provide accurate and complete information regarding past medical history and current issues related to your health to the best of your ability.
  • Ask any questions regarding your health, evaluation, and treatment plan to ensure understanding.
  • Follow the recommended treatment plan, as instructed by UHS professionals.
  • Assume all consequences of any decision to refuse treatment or follow the recommended plan.
  • Ask questions concerning charges prior to health care services and to fulfill any financial obligations to the University for services provided.
  • Be considerate and respectful of other patients, guests, and UHS staff.
  • Inform UHS of your advance directive, if you have one.


Your information is safe with us.

Medical services are confidential.  UHS operates in accordance with Indiana state and federal laws governing privacy.  We don't share your information outside of the health care community without your permission.


Patient Rights & Responsibilities Brochure